
First public beta release: version 1.0b1

The first public beta release of the Tcladdressbook extension for Tcl has
been posted today. This is version 1.0b1.

Tcladdressbook is a Tcl extension defining a new Tcl command called
addressbook which lets you manipulate the OSX AddressBook. Under OSX
(versions 10.2 or greater) every user has a single addressbook which all
applications are allowed to share.
The addressbook command has many subcommands such as addressbook
create, addressbook persons, addressbook record, addressbook set etc. used
to invoke the various actions to perform.

Note that this extension is useful only on Macintosh platforms with OSX
System. Version 10.2 (aka Jaguar) or greater of the system is required.

1. Download
Binary releases of Tcladdressbook are available on the SourceForge site in
the download area of the project:

2. Source code
Tcladdressbook is an open source project. Its code is publicly
available and can be found on the SourceForge site
The code is under CVS control. You can retrieve the latest stage of
development using any CVS client. See instructions there:
You can also browse the cvs repository online:

3. Help
Tcladdressbook is distributed with a help file containing the exact reference of
all the subcommands in man format:

man tcladdressbook

or in Html format:
See also the Quick Start file which is a tutorial with basic usage examples:

4. Bug reports

Bugs can be officially reported via the Bug Tracker of the project:

You can also address feature requests
and propose patches

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-01-27

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