
TclAddressBook / News: Recent posts

Version 1.1.4 released

Version 1.1.4 of the Tcladdressbook extension is just a technical upgrade from version 1.1.3:

* it fixes a refcount issue related to the multidictionary values which could crash the host application in some circumstances

For a list of all features in version 1.1, see the notes at

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2005-06-08

Version 1.1.3 released

Version 1.1.3 does not bring any new features. It is a technical upgrade for compatibility with new versions of Tcl. You should use it if you have upgraded to Tcl 8.4.9 (or greater) because version 1.1.2 of the TclAddressBook extension won't work with it. Version 1.1.3 is linked against the stub Tcl library to ensure that this sort of compatibility issues won't happen anymore.



Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2005-04-04

Version 1.1.2 released

Version 1.1.2 of the Tcladdressbook extension is just a technical upgrade from version 1.1:

it contains more robust error checking,

eliminates a potential memory leak when retrieving a date property,

fixes a minor issue with the [parents] command which had the -ids option always on.

For a list of all the features in version 1.1, see

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-08-26

Version 1.1 released

A new version of the Tcladdressbook extension for Tcl has
been posted today. This is version 1.1.

Tcladdressbook is a Tcl extension giving access to the system-wide AddressBook
framework on OSX.

This version adds new functionalities via new
subcommands of the [addressbook] command:
* [addressbook add] to add a record to a group
* [addressbook remove] to remove a record from a group
* [addressbook property remove] to remove a property from a specific record
* [addressbook setme] to set the record that represents the logged-in user
* [addressbook getme] accepts a new -id option
* [addressbook identifier] is a new command with many subcommands (count, get, index, primary, and set) to handle distribution lists.
* [addressbook label] is a new command to get/set the label of an item in a multi-value list property.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-08-02

First public beta release: version 1.0b1

The first public beta release of the Tcladdressbook extension for Tcl has
been posted today. This is version 1.0b1.

Tcladdressbook is a Tcl extension defining a new Tcl command called
addressbook which lets you manipulate the OSX AddressBook. Under OSX
(versions 10.2 or greater) every user has a single addressbook which all
applications are allowed to share.
The addressbook command has many subcommands such as addressbook
create, addressbook persons, addressbook record, addressbook set etc. used
to invoke the various actions to perform.... read more

Posted by Bernard Desgraupes 2004-01-27