

Carlos Pascual


We plan to discuss the development priorities and how to assign the work force to it during the Tango Meeting 2015. In order to agile this process, we will prepare the priority table, which reflects individual priorities and rough work load estimations.
This page will be draft until the Tango Meeting 2015. There we will agree on the common plan and assign the work force accordingly.

Priority table

This table aims to present the development priorities of the involved sites e.g. ALBA, DESY.
Anyone can extend it vertically (development issue) or horizontally (priority criteria).

Issue Estimation References ALBA DESY ESRF ...
TEP 14 - core refactoring ? [TEP14] 1
TEP13 - Plugins support ? [TEP13] 2
PyQtGraph plots ? TEP to be drafted 3
PyQt5 support (new-style signals) TEP to be drafted 4
models via adapter pattern ? TEP to be drafted
h5file scheme ? TEP to be drafted


Wiki: TEP13
Wiki: TEP14