
#49 X11 Widgets



New widgets to handle X11 embedable applications:

  1. a taurus widget that embeds a generic x11 embed able GUI. The widget should start the GUI from a desired command as a subprocess

  2. a taurus widget that embeds a xterm widget (specialization of 1.). It must be able to start a remote xterm.

  3. window version of these widgets 1 and 2. It should have a customizable toolbar with at least a restart button

The existing widget taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_xterm.QXTermWidget does not fulfill first and third requirements. It is intended specifically for Xterm. It is impossible to re-factor the current widget maintaining backward compatibility.
Since this widget inherits directly from QWidget, it needs to restart the xterm subprocess if the widget re-sizes. Instead, the feature request proposes to refactor the taurus.qt.qtgui.extra_xterm.QXTermWidget to use the new xterm widget maintaining the backward compatibility. It also proposes that the extra_xterm is marked as deprecated.


I propose to create a new package taurus.qt.qtgui.x11 to contain all the new x11 widgets. It should contain the widgets XCommandWidget, XCommandWindow, XTermWidget and XTermWindow.


  • Carlos Pascual

    Carlos Pascual - 2014-07-08
    • Milestone: Jul14 --> Jan15
  • Carlos Pascual

    Carlos Pascual - 2015-02-03
    • Milestone: Jan15 --> unassigned
  • Tiago Coutinho

    Tiago Coutinho - 2015-03-30

    Ticket moved from /p/sardana/tickets/131/

    Can't be converted:

    • _category: taurus-qt
  • Carlos Pascual

    Carlos Pascual - 2016-01-18

    A patch for this was sent by tcoutinho and not accepted mostly because it made use of new style signals (see thread [1]) . Since with taurus4 this limitation is gone, we could reconsider the integration of this feature.

    [1] - (