
Tetris A.T.A.C. / News: Recent posts

Version 1.0 released!

Well, I finally went and wrote a real server (with some help, heh). That plus the various other updates to ATAC have made it something I'm proud (well, "willing," at least) to call the first real version of ATAC.
I put up a server at my site ( which should be running 24 hours, I hope. It's a 486, so I can see if server loading is a problem, hehe. I'll be on when I can, probably in the main room......
At any rate, enjoy the game, and if there are any problems or things you would like to see added or changed, please email me at Have fun!

Posted by Mike Z 2001-11-20

First release!

Well, I released a JAR of my current progress. The information about it is all under the Notes of that release, and I think that's the way it will continue to go. I hope you enjoy it!

I think that's all...... :^)

Posted by Mike Z 2001-03-15


Okay, well, I registered. It took slightly more than a week, and during that time I found out that there's another TAttack project going on called Pylath's Puzzle, so for those of you looking for the compile-it-yourself (or 1 player :^) TAttack experience, you may want to check that out. Not sure how far they are, as I'd have to get SDL to play theirs.
Currently, A.T.A.C has online multiplayer with no limit to the number of players, and the entire game (i.e. chains, combos, stages rising and everything) works exactly as the original except that blocks 'pop' from bottom to top, which is backwards but cosmetic. Heh. Chat and the ability to connect to A.T.A.C. (oh, that's gonna be annoying, I should have left out the periods) servers is all there, however admittedly it doesn't use your nickname yet. Actually changing skins, saving your config *somewhere* and various other improvements to the online part will be finished shortly as there isn't anything I can find left to do with the game engine, short of the many bugs I'm sure exist, cause they always do.
A.T.A.C. (drat those periods!) uses Swing and hence requires at least version 1.2 of the Java Runtime Environment, which is unfortunately not included with many major browsers, but can be found on under whichever section is for your platform. Decently small download. Actual A.T.A.C files will be uploaded here when I figure out how, and the webpage and other unnecessary design elements will come if I ever find someone interested in that sort of thing for this project.... read more

Posted by Mike Z 2001-03-07