
TaskSwitchXP / News: Recent posts

TaskSwitchXP Pro 2.09 released

New version of TaskSwitchXP is available for download. Some very terrible bugs were fixed at last, and now it seems to be really clean and accomplished. Also it contains some new language files.


Download link:

Have a nice day!

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2006-02-05

TaskSwitchXP Pro 2.05 released!!!

First mature 2.0 version: new look, new features and new languages.. all details at new home!

New home:
New release:
New forum:
Language files:

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2005-04-16

Welcome to beta testing...

TaskSwitchXP Pro 1.1 alpha 0 released for testers.

New pre-release 1.1 alpha 0 imroves the user interface and extends program functionality:
[+] TaskSwitchXP draw modes (+ PowerToy TaskSwitcher style).
[+] Vertical window titles list and small icons list.
[+] Configurable list sizes, selection style and colors.
[+] Preview of all application windows.
[+] Preview images caching.
[+] Preview live update.
[+] "Desktop" preview mode.
[+] Configurable generation delay, size and position of preview image.
[+] Multiple monitors support.
[+] System tray icon.... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-11-09

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.27 (final after final) released ;)

Some small bugs were fixed...

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-10-15

TaskSwitchXP 1.0 final (1.0.26) released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New release (1.0.26) corrects some small bugs...


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-10-08

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.25 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New release (1.0.25) optimizes memory usage and corrects some small bugs:
[*] Parameter "Set high priority for TaskSwitchXP" now is enabled by default.
[*] Memory usage optimization!


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-10-05

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.24 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New release (1.0.24) contains program documentation and corrects some small bugs:
[+] TaskSwitchXP documentation.
[-] Bug with minimized layered windows was fixed (disabling transparency).
[-] Bug with some hidden windows was fixed (same as Muxasoft Dialer, BeFaster).
[-] Some small bugs with hung and debugged applications were fixed.
[*] Some cosmetical changes.... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-10-03

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.23 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New release (1.0.23) corrects some small bugs:
[-] Some small bugs with window switching algorithm were fixed.
[-] Bug with multiple exit confirmations was fixed.
[*] Some cosmetical changes.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-30

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.22 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003. New release (1.0.22) improves the user interface and corrects some small bugs.

New features:
[*] Default TaskSwitchXP window sizes were changed.
[*] New task info format (image name, PID).
[-] Some small bugs were fixed.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-27

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.21 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

Future features:
[-] Bug with same windows (like an edit message in The Bat!) now was fixed.
[-] Some small bugs were fixed.
[*] Some optimization.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-24

TaskSwitchXP v1.1 coming soon...

New upcoming release is scheduled to next November! The application switching revolution for Windows XP...

Future features:
[+] Tray icon with quick preferences.
[+] Configurable TaskSwitchXP window sizes.
[+] Vertical window titles list (small and big icons).
[+] Additional configurable hotkeys (for task switching, power management, etc).
[+] TaskSwitchXP event sounds.
[+] Instant information (running duration, virtual memory usage, and total memory usage of each window).
[+] Multilingual user interface (.LNG files).
[+] Program documentation.
[+] ... and much more... ... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-18

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.20 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[+] Mouse over selection for icon list.
[+] "Enable mouse over selection for icon list" configuration parameter.
[-] Bug with same Firefox windows (1.0.18) was fixed.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-18

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.19 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

Small bug with autostart registry string in previous version (1.0.18) were fixed.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-16

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.18 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New release corrects more than 10 bugs:
[*] New better installer.
[*] New window switching algorithm.
[*] New particular keystrokes listening algorithm (similar to version 1.0.10 with RegisterHotKey).
[*] New window switching algorithm (with SwitchToThisWindow).
[+] TaskSwitchXP now can reload configuration settings (restart is not required).
[-] Bug with floating toolbars was fixed.
[-] Bug with unexpected TaskSwitchXP window destroy was fixed.
[-] Bugs with full-screen console and 3D applications were fixed.
[-] Bug with owned tool windows (same as PSPad dialogs) was fixed.
[-] Bug with minimized window restore was fixed.
[-] Small bug with selection of first inactive window was fixed.
[-] Some small bugs were fixed.... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-15

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.17 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

Regular bug fixes:
[-] Bugs with AltTab hook in previous version (1.0.16) were fixed.
[-] Bug with 2-Alt+Tab was fixed.
[-] Bug with multiple owned windows of same owner was fixed.

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-09

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.16 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[-] Bug with console windows was fixed.
[-] Bug with full-screen applications was fixed.
[-] Some small bugs were fixed.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-09-06

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.15 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[!] TaskSwitchXP distributes only as special build (without CRT).
[-] Small bug with Esc key were fixed.
[-] Some small bugs were fixed.
[*] Some optimization.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-08-30

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.14 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[+] Selection by mouse wheel for icon list.
[+] "Inverse mouse wheel" configuration parameter.
[-] Bug with minimized owner window were fixed.
[*] Keyboard hook were optimized.
[*] Some optimization.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-08-30

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.13 (special) released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[*] New window switching algorithm (over and over again).
[!] First TaskSwitchXP special build (without CRT) - even SMALLER!!!

TaskSwitchXP special build is compiled without CRT (C Run-Time Library). All floating-point operations are written on assembler language (TaskSwitchXP.exe is even smaller: 38.5 Kb - 22 Kb icon).... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-08-28

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.12 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[+] Rendering with Windows Classic style.
[+] "Force use Windows Classic style to draw TaskSwitchXP" configuration parameter.
[+] TaskSwitchXP shows now error icons for closed applications.
[-] Bug with theme change were fixed.
[-] Bug with null shadow deep were fixed.
[-] Color of selection rectangle were fixed.... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-08-25

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.11 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[+] Keyboard navigation for icon list (use Home, End and arrow keys).
[*] New window switching algorithm (bug with fast window switching were fixed).
[*] New particular keystrokes listening algorithm (without RegisterHotKey).
[*] Delay of preview generation depend now on system keyboard delay.
[+] New configuration parameter for window preview.
[*] Some optimization.... read more

Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-08-19

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.10 released

TaskSwitchXP is a application switching utility for Windows XP/2003.

New features:
[+] Tooltips for icon list.
[+] Mouse control for icon list (selection and switching).
[+] New configuration parameters for mouse control and for tooltips.
[*] Some optimization.
[-] Bug with "ghost-icon" were fixed.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-07-30

TaskSwitchXP 1.0.9 released

TaskSwitchXP provides the same functionality as the existing application switching mechanism in Windows XP today. In addition to displaying an icon list, however, the application will also show a thumbnail preview of the window that will be switched to.


Posted by Alexander Avdonin 2004-07-23