
Win32::TaskScheduler / News: Recent posts

Released 2.0.3b for perl 5.8

After a long wait Win32::TaskScheduler for perl 5.8 has been released. Activestate users can install it by ppm with the following command (all on one line):

ppm install

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2005-11-18

2.0.3b released

A new version has been released with only a bugfix for the only bug so far. The version is immediately available via ppm for perl 5.6 users.
A version for 5.8 should follow shortly.

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2005-10-27

Win32::TaskScheduler - Final release

Win32::TaskScheduler is a Win32 Perl extension that will make it possible to fully manage tasks scheduled via Scheduling Agent in Perl.Hi to all those following my periodic rants on this project.
I eventually reached a stage at which I'm pretty happy with my package. It does almost anything possible with scheduled jobs on Windoze and the methods left out are all not very important (from my point of view, of course).... read more

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2002-01-16


Dear Chuck,
your wishes come true...

SetFlags (to set task deletion when done, disabled, and so) is done. Plase give it a try.

Sample CODE:
Win32::TaskScheduler::SetFlags(Win32::TaskScheduler::TASK_FLAG_DELETE_WHEN_DONE | Win32::TaskScheduler::TASK_FLAG_DISABLED );

For all the rest of you: if you have troubles with this try to upgrade IE to the latest release, it might fix the problem. Also don't forget to notify us on this.... read more

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2001-12-17

Version 0.9.1

I have posted today ppm version 0.9.1.
It fixes some erratical behaviour with return values.

Now you can check, as you would expect, 'if (Method)' for failure. I still have to change the documentation to reflect these changes.

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2001-12-10

0.9 with create is out

I have posted a ppm version of the 0.9 version which includes the NewWrokItem method, thus allowing you to create scheduled jobs.

I think that the module is fairly complete by now and so I'll take some time to test it.
If you need some other methods please let mw know.

Enjoy, Umberto

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2001-11-29

Create is coming

I have been working hard this weekend to implement create, delete and other functions.

I am currently testing and reviewing the implementation.

Hope to post it soon.

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2001-11-26

Updated version

Today Monday 12 Nov. 2001 I updated a newer version, with Set/GetApplication and Parameters.
It is only available as a ppm package.

I'll make available a source version when there will be enough changes.

Posted by Umberto Nicoletti 2001-11-12