
Tree [4693da] main /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .github 2021-06-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [4693da] Add workflows
 cmd 2020-12-14 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [b0d8d5] fix: error while creating task
 docs 2021-06-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [4693da] Add workflows
 snap 2020-12-14 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [b0d8d5] fix: error while creating task
 todo 2020-12-14 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [b0d8d5] fix: error while creating task
 .gitignore 2020-11-14 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [0d4b5e] Add: snap support 2020-11-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [41d308] Initial commit 2020-11-08 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [ec067b] Imported from gtodo
 LICENSE 2020-11-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [41d308] Initial commit 2021-06-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [4693da] Add workflows
 go.mod 2020-11-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [41d308] Initial commit
 go.sum 2020-11-08 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [ec067b] Imported from gtodo
 main.go 2020-11-07 Injamul Mohammad Mollah Injamul Mohammad Mollah [41d308] Initial commit

Read Me


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go version
Code style: standard
License: Apache 2
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tasks : A simple todoist application

Get it from the Snap Store

tasks will help you get more done in less time.
It's designed to be as simple as possible to help you
accomplish your goals.

Installing from Binaries

Download for your platform


For Linux,

tar xvf tasks-linux-amd64-current.tar.gz
chmod +x tasks
sudo mv tasks /usr/local/bin

or you can put the executable file into your env variables $PATH

For Android(Termux),

You need to have wget tar. To install simply type pkg install wget tar

cd ~
tar xvf tasks-linux-arm-current.tar.gz
chmod +x tasks
mv tasks ../usr/bin


tasks add --priority=1 download tasks

The following output is automatically generated by tasks. Nothing beyond the
command and flag definitions are needed.

tasks will help you get more done in less time.
It's designed to be as simple as possible to help you
accomplish your goals.

tasks [command]

Available Commands:
add         Add a new task
clear       Clear all tasks
done        Mark Task as Done
help        Help about any command
list        list all tasks
modify      edit a task
remove      Remove a task
undone      Mark Task as UnDone
version     Prints version

    --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.tasks.yaml)
-h, --help            help for tasks

Use "tasks [command] --help" for more information about a command.



  • Apache-2.0