

manual (19)

RPM package for CentOS

This explains how to get the dependencies set so that the latest version of Task Coach can be installed on CentOS.

Step 1: Get the package
(This is the latest version of TaskCoach which can be installed straight ahead on RHEL/SL/CentOS 6.)

Step 2: Get a list of missing packages

As root, type yum localinstall taskcoach-1.2.18-1.fc13.noach.rpm but do not confirm the installation. Just remember the missing packages/dependancies and install them via yum. (For example on my very own system: yum install SDL wxBase wxGTK wxGTK-gl wxGTK-media wxPython) Now you should have all prerequisites to install the very recent version of Task Coach.

Alternative to Step 2: yum localinstall taskcoach-1.2.18-1.fc13.noach.rpm, and yum remove taskcoach afterwards. The latter removes the just installed Task Coach 1.2.18, but leaves all the packages on your system required to install the very recent version of Task Coach.

Step 3: Get the latest source package

Get the "Source tar archive for Red Hat Enterprise Linux" from the Task Coach Download Page and unpack it.

Step 4: Follow the instructions found in the install

Example: for 1.3.18, see TaskCoach-1.3.18/INSTALL.TXT. (Since RHEL/SL/CentOS 6 offers Python version 2.6.6 and wxPython the Prerequisites are fulfilled. cd tests; python should pass without trouble and Task Coach can be installed with python install afterwards.)


Documentation: installation