
Welcome to the new Task Coach forums!

Aaron Wolf
  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-09-16

    This is a first post to test the forums. The benefits of this over the Yahoo groups include: better formatting, editing, better organizing, and easier segregation of discussion into multiple forums if needed.

    I hope we will get more users to discuss the wasy they use Task Coach and thus maximize their experiences through learning from one another.

    Unfortunately, this forum system doesn't appear to have all the features I'd wish for, so we'll see. Just testing for now… We may instead try some other outside forum system.


    Last edit: Aaron Wolf 2012-10-02
  • astro46

    astro46 - 2013-01-03

    i just joined forum. not seeing option to auto subscribe to threads that i post in. am i missing something?

    • Aaron Wolf

      Aaron Wolf - 2013-01-03

      You should get a notice when I reply here.

      We are still just testing these forums and haven't decided to fully implement them. We currentl have a not-very-active yahoo group.

      I want to think about what forum system makes the most sense. Maybe this one is it. I really should make a decision and then go about promoting whatever we choose so people can get engaged. So thanks, this is pushing me to get back to thinking about making this happen.


  • Christopher Brown


    I love the program, but would like to make a suggestion.

    Could you make that by clicking on an item within 'Task Coach' it is minimised to the notification area of windows below and opens a large clock independantly which displays the time spent, revenue and a start and stop button below.

    Many Thanks

    • Aaron Wolf

      Aaron Wolf - 2017-10-17

      Hi, thanks for the suggestion, but two things:

      1. Realistically, development has been stagnant for a while. The developers are all volunteers and have not had time for Task Coach recently. The chances of getting to your suggestion are, unfortunately, very low. Perhaps some future time there will be a new momentum or new contributors to take on the various tasks of continuing to improve what is, indeed, already a nice program in many respects.

      2. The normal way to submit a suggestion (in case you want to keep this in the list for consideration some day ever if it becomes feasible) is at



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