
iphone version

  • Payne

    Payne - 2012-10-25


    Where is the iphone version of task coach?

    thanks in advance

  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2012-10-25

    The iOS version is an app you can get through the iOS App Store. It costs $0.99 because we don't include Ads and we just need to cover fees and such.

    • Aaron Wolf

      Aaron Wolf - 2013-02-10

      Also, the source for the iOS version is available here at SF. I should have mentioned that.

  • m.samy

    m.samy - 2013-02-23

    how can i use the source code of the ios version ??

    • Aaron Wolf

      Aaron Wolf - 2013-02-23

      You can read, modify, build from the iOS source, submit patches to us, and you can install your own versions on an iOS device if you jailbreak it

      Technically, Apple's [in my opinion disgusting] Terms of Service are actually incompatible with the GPL. Many people have debated this issue and how to handle it, but there are no easy answers. The GPL requires that you be allowed to share the program. Apple's ToS says that you cannot share or modify any software at all on your iThing. Therefore, these two sets of terms are incompatible.

      However, Task Coach does nothing to restrict you, that is Apple's doing. Jailbreaking will remove the restrictions.

      Does that answer your question? Or did you have a different maybe technical question about how to use the source?


      Last edit: Aaron Wolf 2013-02-23
      • m.samy

        m.samy - 2013-02-23

        thanks for the fast reply :)
        i was just asking how can i download the code and add it to xcode so that i can view and edit it ?

  • Jérome Laheurte

    You can checkout the source with the following command:

    svn checkout svn://

    in a terminal. XCode also has SVN integration but I'm not sure how it works. You'll have to change the code signing settings to use your own certificate if you intend to run it on a device (or do whatever you have to do on a jailbroken device, I'm not a specialist). Good luck!

    • m.samy

      m.samy - 2013-02-24

      thank you very much :)


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