
#1674 Python 3 / wxPython 4 (Phoenix) Support


wxPython 4.0 (Phoenix) is released now. It would be great if Taskcoach could support Python 3 and wxPython 4, as Python 2 is on its way to retirement.


  • Aaron Wolf

    Aaron Wolf - 2018-12-07
    • assigned_to: Jérome Laheurte
    • Operating system: linux --> multiple
    • Priority: 5 --> 7
  • Scott Talbert

    Scott Talbert - 2019-08-08

    Any updates on plans for supporting Python 3? Fedora is planning to retire Python 2 soon.

    • Aaron Wolf

      Aaron Wolf - 2019-08-08

      Sorry to say, there's no updates at this time. The intention Jerome has stated is to migrate to PyQt. It may be easier to update to wxPython 4, but either way the transition to Python 3 is necessary.

      I too really want to see this happen. I'm not sure what it will take. With enough time and/or budget, it would be possible to find other people to do or help the update, and all volunteer help is welcome (whether coding or recruiting coders). As is, Jerome is the only one in a good place in understanding to be able to do the work, and it's a matter of him making the time to get to it.


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