
#1650 Fail to run without internet connection


Task coach fails to launch without internet access. Trying to use it on a non connected computer. Testing on a connected computer.
If cable is plugged in launches fine. Changed options on update and dev message (unchecked). Pulled cable and get an error message with this log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "taskcoach.pyw", line 22, in <module>
File "taskcoach.pyo", line 63, in start
File "taskcoachlib\patterns\singleton.pyo", line 29, in call
File "taskcoachlib\application\application.pyo", line 114, in init
File "taskcoachlib\application\application.pyo", line 157, in initTwisted
File "twisted\internet\wxreactor.pyo", line 178, in install
File "twisted\internet_threadedselect.pyo", line 96, in init
File "twisted\internet\base.pyo", line 495, in init
File "twisted\internet\posixbase.pyo", line 290, in installWaker
File "twisted\internet\posixbase.pyo", line 85, in init
File "socket.pyo", line 224, in meth
socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

Deleted .ini file and tried to launch without internet and it failed. Appears to be the same error. No new .ini file was created. Plugged in and ran and a new .ini was created. Looked at the .ini. Not sure where updates is but messages was true. Launched taskcoach and changed preferences and developermessages was then false.

reference messages:


  • Manning Environmental

    Additional information.
    I was looking at several programs and came back to task coach as time permitted. I had confused two of the programs. Task Coach will start with the internet jack unplugged. It will not start if the attempt to access the internet is blocked by a firewall such as zone alarm.

    • Aaron Wolf

      Aaron Wolf - 2017-09-20

      Thanks for the update! This is still a bug, of course. There's no intended reason Task Coach should crash/fail-to-start in this case.

  • Manning Environmental

    No worries. I wanted the information to be accurate. I don't think it makes a lot of difference software wise but if the initial internet access is blocked then it will not start plugged or unplugged. If it is allowed taskcoach starts and runs with the cable unplugged. I didn't track if it called out after initial permission was given and the cable plugged back in. Hope that helps. I do like the presentation in taskcoach. It remindes me a bit of dotproject which I have used and supported for many years. I was looking for something lighter for smaller projects and tasks with a single user. I will watch for an update with the call out resolved.


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