
TargetAnalyzer / News: Recent posts

Version 0.1.2 released (bug fixes)

Unfortunately another error was introduced while implementing the deletion functionality.
The error is that image files and directories were not deleted when deleting the corresponding entries.
This is fixed in this very quick bug fix release version 0.1.2.

Posted by rcg 2009-01-04

Version 0.1.1 released

Well this was a quite short time between 0.1.0 and this release.
The main reason for this are some fixes/improvements in the ring detection algorithm and the addition of the missing delete functionality.

Posted by rcg 2009-01-04

Version 0.1.0 released

Version 0.1.0 introduces quite a few new features hence the jump in the version number to 0.1.0 as this makes TargetAnalyzer much more usable in practice.
Key features include the now scrollable images in the TargetView (including other features like auto centering), the addition of a TargetDataView for textual output of data about targets and the further improved display of statistics in GunStatisticsView (including preference settings to choose what data to display and the color of data).
For more details see the ChangeLog.

Posted by rcg 2009-01-02

Version 0.0.6 released.

This release adds the possibitlity to set preferences used during analyzation of targets.
This includes the option to calibrate the detection algorithm for target images which will speed up the processing and/or make the processing more reliable.

Posted by rcg 2008-12-06

Version 0.0.5 released.

This release consists mainly of a fix for a major bug which prevented the import/analysis of images with differing contrast and brightness values.

The details are as follows:

Fixed several errors when creating new targets from images.
The new algorithm for analyzing images is more robust.
If no good results can be achieved an information message will be displayed instead of dumping exceptions to console.
Added an information message when statistics from menu is clicked but no gun is selected.

Posted by rcg 2008-11-29

Version 0.0.4 released.

Fourth release of TargetAnalyzer introducing further features like
- Computation and display of group sizes,
- Possibility to select which data to display in TargetView and GunStatisticsView,
- Progress bar for adding targets
- and a right click menu for Guns in GunTreeView.

Posted by rcg 2008-11-16

Version 0.0.3 released

The third release of TargetAnalyzer introducing a first impression of how statistical representation of data could look like.
As with this release the place where the data is stored is no more dependent on from where TargetAnalyzer is called.
All data (database and image files) will now be stored under the users home directory in a subdirectory called "targetanalyzer".

The detailed changes are as follows:
- First implementation for displying statistics with JFreeChart.
- Currently multiple targets per day can be displayed but only up to 12
lead to sane results in the display.
This must be fixed in later versions.
- Fixed bug 2216817 "New target entries don't get correct dateIds".
- Fixed bug 2216813 "Target entries in GunView are not sorted".
- Set osgi.instance.area to @user.home/targetanalyzer.
- Changed path for database to be stored in instance area.
- Copy / Archive target images in instance area.
- Made pathnames platform independent.

Posted by rcg 2008-11-08

Version 0.0.2 released

Second release of TargetAnalyzer.
This release adds a first realization of persistence via hibernate (i.e. the computed data is now stored and reloaded on next start).
Fixed some issues with respect to cross platform export.
Currently i still can't test properly under windows because of the lack of a running windows system.
I used the windows systems at the university for this purpose so far.
Anyways, i'll setup a virtual machine for testing with windows asap.

Posted by rcg 2008-11-01


The TargetAnalyzer project has just been approved by the sourceforge team.
The content (source code, documentation etc.) will be put here soon.

"Thanks a lot!" to the sourceforge team for hosting this project :)

Posted by rcg 2008-10-20