
Tangra Framework for PHP / News: Recent posts

Tangra Framework 2.0.2 released

We are glad to announce that version 2.0.2 is released. Major changes include mostly new module releases as TangraCMS 1.1.0, bot_tools-1.0.0, ap_bot_tools-1.0.0, serp_stats-1.0.0, extlib_open_flash_chart-1.0.0

Posted by Ogi Bankov 2009-09-21

Tangra Framework 2.0.0 released

We are happy to announce that version 2.0.0 (stable) is released and available for download.
API reference and the manual are regenerated. You can find them at

Posted by Ogi Bankov 2009-06-18

Released Alpha1 All-in-one Release Build 20090116

This is first alpha release of Tangra Framework. Most of the components are stable and good enough for even official stable release but there are still few glitches in modules manager which will be fixed soon (most probably with total rewrite from scratch of modules manager).
Most important change is presence of the new TangraCMS module.

Posted by Ogi Bankov 2009-01-23

Closer to release, status ot the subprojects

We are getting closer to release.

Status of the subprojects:
tangra_lib - ready 100%
API reference - ready 100%
base modules: 100%
form modules: 100%
grid modules: 100%
ajax modules: 100%
html templates modules: 100%
admin modules: 0%
Tangra site - 95%, will be online in a few days
Tangra Control Center - 60%
Quick Start Tutorial - 20%
Programmers Manual - 0%

Posted by Ogi Bankov 2007-06-01

Tangra enters SourceForge

Tangra Framework and Tools for PHP finally is mature enough to be placed on SourceForge.
By now Tangra status is following:
1. Tangra Code Library is 95% ready, containing more than 11k lines of pure PHP5 code.
2. Tangra Application Templates – Simple Site Template (SST) and Dynamic Site Template (DST) are ready.
3. Tangra Control Center – development in progress. ETA 2006-03-01
4. Documentation – still not ready. ETA 2006-02-01

Posted by Ogi Bankov 2005-12-11