
Text Analysis Markup System / News: Recent posts

TAMS Analyzer 2.14a1

This release is a cure for the last release. Has bug fixes and formatting improvements both for results and searches.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2003-06-03

TAMS Analyzer 2.12a5

New version, many bug fixes for saving both projects and results; several small interface improvements including the ability to check all the files for syntax errors in one sweep and the ability to select results by whole strings.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2003-05-29

Release of 2.11a3

This release allows the user to select string encoding: unichar, windows, nextStep, etc. Also contains a number of important bug fixes.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2003-05-22

TAMS Analyzer 2.1

First release of version 2 of TAMS Analyzer, a qualitative analysis package for OSX, on SF. Now TA works through projects, search results can be saved and reloaded, tool bars can be project wide, + much more

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2003-05-16

TAMS Analyzer 1.21

1.21 adds to the TA qualitative analysis system a lot of tools for mining data from search results. The posted release 1.21a4 fixes a bug with saving the workbench.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2003-03-19

TAMS Analyzer 1.1a

This new release (and the first in a while posted to SF) adds a variety of tools for analyzing search results including sorting and selecting within results. Sorts can be on virtually unlimited number of field and criteria and selections can be honed through subsequent selects and selects within (basically and's and or's)

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2003-03-10

tamsanalyzer 1.0a9b

This oddly named release is an emergency fix release from 1.0a8 which locked up computers when changing the text color on large files. I've also added color change to shades of gray. Finally, sourceforge has been having trouble and the source files in 1.0a9 were corrupted.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2002-11-10

TAMS Analyzer 1.0a8

A menu option now changes the color of all existing tags (and another returns them all to black. Also, wording of one of the preference options was improved.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2002-11-08

TamsAnalyzer 1.0a7

This release fixes problems with syntax checking in various spots. See the release notes. If you are having crashing problems, try running "Check Code Pairs" (in the TAMS) menu on your files; they probably are off a little. This version checks start and end tags.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2002-11-03

1.0a4 released

Bug fix release; fixes toolbar problem when loading whole projects.

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2002-10-26

TAMS Analyzer 1.0a3 Released and posted

With great joy, if little fanfare, we are pleased to announce the creation of our sourceforge website and the release of the 1.03a package of TAMS Analyzer a qualitative analysis system. TAMS Analyzer works on Macintosh OS X and is in late alpha stage (full features). Please check out

Posted by Matthew Weinstein 2002-10-18