
TAL/wm / News: Recent posts

TAL/wm: 0.0.2 released!

Today marks the release of TAL/wm 0.0.2. Much has changed since 0.0.1. Much of the code has been completely rewritten, file size (and binary size) have been reduced, default compile-time options are more optimized, launch bindings and keybindings have been reduced and optimized, there has been manual code beautification, and a complete rewriting of documentation. All bugs should be filed with the project tracker, mailing lists, or through contacting the developer.

Posted by Nolan Liebert 2008-05-19

Project launch!

The TAL/wm project was launched today. Phase I work has begun and the first Alpha release should be ready for testing by the end of the week.

Those interested in assisting in the development of TAL/wm should join our forums.

Posted by Nolan Liebert 2008-05-06