
TALVMENNI - Java based chess-engine / News: Recent posts

Project Talvmenni moves back - and the code is in GIT now

We will stay here at - and if we ever will find time to fiddle around with the code, it will be in the Git repository. Enjoy. Perhaps read the Talvmenni thesis ;-)

Posted by Eyðun Nielsen 2018-04-28

Project Talvmenni moved

Project Talvmenni has moved to

Posted by Eyðun Nielsen 2009-04-24

Changed licence to Apache 2.0

After a long time with no development it is now time for some cleanup.

- We have decided to change the license to Apache 2.0 starting from now. (There is a version called LAST_LGPL_VERSION in the cvs with the last code licensed with LGPL)

And in the coming weeks... ehm... months... we will clean up the code and make new release when... 'it is ready' :-)

And - btw - we have also decided that further development will be on Java 5+... read more

Posted by Eyðun Nielsen 2006-04-24