
Feature requests

  • Joe O'Donnell

    Joe O'Donnell - 2010-04-18

    1. Slightly larger icons
    2. Remove preview when mouse leaves icon (not icon and preview window)
    3. Double-click icon to close application


    VINOD DAHIYA - 2010-04-19

    You can middle click on an icon or preview to close it.

    Icons looks good only at 16,24,32 pixel sizes. On a 24 pixel (normal) you can't add a 24 pix icon without problems or compromising usablity, so i use 16 pix size icon.

    Could you be more specific about second point?

  • Joe O'Donnell

    Joe O'Donnell - 2010-04-19

    Thanks for the reply.
    1. The screen shot shows DockbarX on the right - slightly larger icons but really no big difference visually.

    2. When you have preview displayed and click on an icon to activate the app, you must move your mouse outside of the preview window before the preview is closed. Not a big deal on the desktop, but on my netbook, you have to move the mouse across half the screen (preview size is 260).

    3. Thanks for the middle-button tip on closing apps - this will help with on my desktop. For my netbook (touchpad), it would be nice to have a double click option.


    VINOD DAHIYA - 2010-04-20

    Thanks for suggestions. I will consider your points.

    For a quick solution to your second point. You can right click on preview to disappear it immediately. Yes it is annoying but still better than move you mouse half way to screen.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-01

    This is grate applet, it does almost everything that I wanted window-list to do.
    It would be perfect with:
    Option not to separate/reorder pinned apps when they are launched.
    Pinned app properties like launchers: For example to launch mc or htop or use custom icon.

    A few bugs:
    For some reason Terminal launches in root directory, not in home directory.
    Nautilus doesn't launch.
    Ettercap or vine apps do not pin at all.


    VINOD DAHIYA - 2010-05-02

    I am working on not to reorder pinned apps.

    Try installing from current svn version and it will launch terminal in home directory.

    If using ubuntu install from svn commands:

    sudo apt-get install subversion gnome-common libglib2.0-dev
    libpanel-applet2-dev libwnck-dev
    svn co talika
    cd talika/trunk/
    ./ -prefix=/usr
    sudo make install

  • k2iguvahetaja

    k2iguvahetaja - 2010-06-02

    First, thank you for your great work :)

    Here's what I would like to see:

    If i click ontop a icon, which has grouped windows, I would like to see preview modal window, not select window menu. Just like if I hover my mouse over it for some time.

    Possibility to add padding to icons? I would like these buttons larger, but so it does not scale the icon. So I could make these buttons wider. And @ SVN build, show buttons option does nothing.

  • k2iguvahetaja

    k2iguvahetaja - 2010-06-02

    And is these bugs?

    If I close a window via middle click by clicking on preview window, this modal window closes, it would be really nice that it stays open so I could close some other windows also.

    If I click on preview window, this window becomes active, but this modal window which has all the preview windows does not close.

  • k2iguvahetaja

    k2iguvahetaja - 2010-06-02

    I implemented this feature:

    When I click ontop TALIKA_TASK_CLASS_GROUP icon, it does not use talika_task_popup_menu function, instead
    it uses talika_tooltips_show_popup, which I made non-static and added to tooltips.h. It works, but it hangs
    for a bit because of the time needed to create thumbnails (it is faster with smaller windows). I think some kind of
    caching for thumbnails needs to be implemented.

    Also, ratios of thumbnails in preview window should be constant (derived from monitor's ratio?)


    VINOD DAHIYA - 2010-06-03

    Currently are your suggestions are in consideration.
    Show button is going to be removed, because a custom button widget is used in code now.
    Button padding is there in svn but not in prefrence. Preview windows are definatly goining to be improve.
    But all this is a lot of mess and it is not possible to relaese it feature by feature.

    Currently svn build has a memory leak problem. So use it if you want latest features.

    Hopefully next month there will be next relase, having all the features you mentioned.

    I am caching thumbnails for minimized window situation. For maximized windows it prefer fresh preview so it take time. Next relase will use more accurate caching as you stated.


  • Kasper Vaessen

    Kasper Vaessen - 2010-07-15

    I would like an optional feature for ordering non-grouped icons by application, which is one of the functionalities of the win7 bar that I like most. Of course a related feature request would be to show group previews on the windows if this option is used. I've hacked it into the latest version (0.49), it works but I'm not completely satisfied with the behaviour of dragging the windows around (this would be better if done per-group too), so I'll probably try to hack that in too, but for now here's what it looks like:

    Chromium and calculator open:

    After opening another chromium window:

    How the preview windows appear:

  • Kasper Vaessen

    Kasper Vaessen - 2010-07-15

    Btw, if you want to see my code just let me know, but I'm not very experienced in c, so my adaptations are mainly just hacked in.

    For the application grouping I just iterated over all the groups, then in each group iterated over all windows, adding them to the tasklist, in talika_tasklist_update_visible_tasks.

    For the preview windows, in talika_preview_widget_for_task, I changed the if/else statement on the task->type to an if/if, where in the first if block the TalikaTask corresponding to the window's group is put in task so then the previews are generated for the class group, and not just the one window.


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