
Taksi stops recording at 4 gigs

  • Ebbhead

    Ebbhead - 2013-10-18

    I am having problems with Taksi stopping recording when my video file reaches 4 gigs. It then continues recording on a new file, but the gap in video from the end of the first to the beginning of the second is significant resulting in missing video. Is it possible to circumvent the 4 gig filesize limitation?

    I am recording to an SSD drive with 11 gigs of free space (same problem with larger, slower drives)
    I am using the Huffyuv codec
    My fielsystem uses NTFS, not FAT32

  • themamboman1

    themamboman1 - 2013-10-20

    Well, the 4GB limit is an AVI problem. That structure is a very old holdover from the past, back when files were MUCH smaller than even a GB, so 4GBs was considered something that we'd never see. While I haven't looked into Taksi's code in that area in a long time, it's good to know it is smart enough to start another file when hitting that limit.

    How long of a gap (in seconds), are you seeing when the 2nd video starts?

    It shouldn't take more than just a few frames to close one file and open another, then start dumping the new frames into it I would think. If there is a significant gap, then Taksi is probably having to do a lot of other things (like destroying and recreating objects and structures).

    I'm guessing the Huffyuv codec doesn't compress much?

  • Ebbhead

    Ebbhead - 2013-10-30

    The gap between files is significant. Somewhere in the range of 3 to 6 seconds.

    The Huffyuv codec is a lossless codec and indeed does not compress much. The 4 gig limit is being hit after 1 minute and 48 seconds of recording. The lossless codecs are the only ones I have had success with for recording hi-def. I'm open to recommendations for other codecs that compress more but which retain the high quality I desire.

    • themamboman1

      themamboman1 - 2013-10-31

      Well, I like the x264vfw codec for high def. In it's codec settings, you can set it for super-fast compression.

      I can't guarantee how it will work with taksi though.

      I know it runs great in the direct-to-disk mode for EpicRewind though (the game capture program from Skyforge). Most people that use that program use it for the instant replay, RAM buffering capture though.


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