
grey recordings

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    i like to use taksi for minecraft recording.
    i use the version because of the sound support.

    But now i have the problem that the screen recordings get poor quality and are grey.

    That happens with microsoft video 1 and camstudio lossles codec.

    What should I change.

  • Mike Lynch

    Mike Lynch - 2011-02-19

    Try x264vfw, it's what I use.

    1. select the Ultrafast preset.
    2. check the zero latency checkbox.
    3. under rate control, select one of the "single pass" options. I typically use ratefactor-based (CRF) with a value around 20.

    Also you may want to add "-fps 30" in the extra options box (of course instead of 30, use the same FPS value that you have Taksi set to record at). This will simply tag the h264 stream with the FPS value.


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