
Config Dialog won't show up.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Well, it used to! Then all of a sudden it won't anymore.

    Reinstalled it, but nothing's changed.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    My bad! I meant to say the the Taksi itself does show up at the taskbar below, only that the Tools window doesn't!

    It's impossible to record either.

    Sorry for double-posting, but can anyone help..?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sometimes, TAKSI UI is the out of visible region.
    If you enlarge your desktop resolution, you could find the UI.
    But, I'm not sure that your problem is happened by exactly the same reason.

    I wish you all the best.~

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    My screen resolution is at its very limit.. Do you guys happen to know of any other reason why this happened? Or anyway to undo it..?


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