
tagged (MP3::Tag) / News: Recent posts

tagged-0.40 released

Release Name: 0.40


* Updated documentation for MP3::Tag, MP3::Tag::ID3v1, MP3::Tag::ID3v2 and MP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data

* Renamed some functions. The old names will still work, but try to use the new names.
The following names were changed:

- MP3::Tag::getTags() to MP3::Tag::get_tags()
- MP3::Tag::newTag() to MP3::Tag::new_tag()
- MP3::Tag::ID3v1::removeTag() to MP3::Tag::ID3v1::remove_tag()
- MP3::Tag::ID3v1::writeTag() to MP3::Tag::ID3v1::write_tag()
- MP3::Tag::ID2v2::getFrameIDs() to MP3::Tag::ID3v2::get_frame_ids()
- MP3::Tag::ID2v2::getFrame() to MP3::Tag::ID3v2::get_frame() ... read more

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2001-08-06

tagged 0.30 released


This version contains bugfixes for MP3::Tag, MP3::Tag::ID3v1
and .

See Changes for details

Release Name: 0.30

* /
- All file access routines are collected in an extra modul now.
This prevents circular references between and the
modules. These circular references prevented Perl from calling
the destructor for mp3-objects.
- autoinfo() function added. This returns artist/songtitle/track/album.
It tries to find this information in an ID3v1 or ID3v2 tag or tries
to extract it from the filename. The order in which this happens
can be configured with the new config() function.
- four new functions: artist(), song(), track() and album(). These
are included for compability with the ID3v1 and filename module.
* tk-tag
- Loading/Saving of binary data in frame-fields is supported now
- tk-tag uses now the new what_data functionally of ID3v2 to offer
BrowseEntrys for TCON and TFLT and also for parts of APIC and COMR
- Set Filename uses now the actual contents of the Tags not the old
saved one
- Set Filename from ID3v2-Tag works now at least with Artist (%a),
Album(%l) and Song (%s)
what_data() returns now also information about possible restricted
input for some frame fields (APIC; TCON; COMR; TFLT are supported yet).

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2001-03-01

File closing problem

There is a problem with closing mp3-objects in MP3::Tag 0.25 and
earlier. If you do a

use MP3::Tag;
my $test = MP3::Tag->new($filename);

the file $filename will be opened by getTags and should be closed as
soon as $test is not used any longer or associated to a new file. But
unfortunately this doesn't happen correctly. So the file stays open
until the program exists. This can be a problem if you scan lots of
MP3-Files, as every file gets opened and stays open. Each system can
have only a limited number of open files, so perhaps you won't be able
to open any other files while running this program.... read more

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2001-02-24


This version contains bugfixes for MP3::Tag, MP3::Tag::ID3v1
and .


* Bug-fix for MP3::Tag
If you created several mp3-objects for different files, the filehandles
for each file were not used correctly. Thanks to hakimian for reporting
this bug.
* Bug-fix for ID3v2::remove_tag()
It was tried twice to rename one temp-file after removing the tag.
Thanks to Brent Sarten <> for reporting this.
* Bug-fix for ID3v2::add_tag()
When adding a second (or third, ...) frame of a kind, a wrong header
could be written for this frame
* Bug-fix for tk-tag
When opening a new file, the contents of the ID3v2 tag of the last file
would be copied to the ID3v2 tag of the new file for all frames which
existed in the last file, but not in the new one.

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2000-11-27

tagged-0.21 released


This version of tagged contains a updated version of tk-tag.

tk-tag is the graphical interface for the MP3::Tag module.
It allows you to look at the information stored in tags of
MP3 files. With tk-tag you can change (almost) all the
information found in a ID3v1/ID3v1.1 or ID3v2.3 tag.

See the README file for tk-tag for details.

There were also some small changes to the MP3::Tag::ID3v1
and MP3::Tag::ID3v2 modules.

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2000-11-22

tagged-0.20 released

tagged-0.20.tar-gz - Release Notes

tagged-0.20 contains:

* updated MP3::Tag modules.
These modules can be used to read/change/write ID3v1/ID3v1.1/ID3v2.3 tags of MP3 audio files. This new version supports now also the use of MP3::Tag with perl on windows. The last version didn't write the tags correctly when used with windows.
Also more ID3v2 frames are supported now, and an additional manpage MP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data contains information about which frames are how supported.
The test program now does some additional tests to check if MP3::Tag works (to be called with 'make test').... read more

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2000-11-16

tagged-0.1 released (first beta)


* Writing and removing of ID3v2.3 tags is supported now
* Adding, changing, removing frames of ID3v2.3 is supported

* Added documentation to the modules

* Added files for proper install of modules

* Changed directory structure


Perl module to
* Write / change/ remove of ID3v1, ID3v1.1 and ID3v2.3tags

* for automatic setting of filename according to ID3v1/1.1 tag and for changing ID3v1 / ID3v1.1 tags

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2000-10-24

tagged-0.2-alpha released

* Supports now compressed frames in ID3v2.3 tags
* Some minor changes (like change of directory strcture)
* shows pictures that were found in ID3v2.3 tags (if xview installed)

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2000-10-09

tagged-0.1-alpha released

This is the first release of
Together with a set of MP3::Tag modules, it is a perl program to view / change MP3 tags.

Posted by Thomas Geffert 2000-10-08