
Tackle - Tiny ACL Authentication for PHP / News: Recent posts

Tackle 0.7.8 Released

Tackle is a small ACL authentication module for PHP database applications.

Yes folks, after almost a year of stagnation, Tackle is slowly making its way back to life. Version 0.7.8 sports an improved configuration system, an adodb-xmlschema based installer and uninstaller, and fixes some recursive behavior that was supposed to be there but wasn't.

Tackle is available for download at

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2003-10-21

Tackle Goes Beta: tackle 0.7.7 (beta)

Tackle is a small drop-in ACL permissions class for PHP. This release finishes the API. The inheritance model for groups is now fully functional--checking permissions on a user now checks each group the user is a member of, as well as any parent groups.

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2002-12-13

First Public Release: tackle 0.7.6 (alpha)

Tackle is a small drop-in ACL permissions class for PHP. It is designed to be small, flexible, simple to deploy and use, and database independent (using the ADOdb Database Library). This alpha release is the first public version of tackle. It provides a full API for creating and managing users, groups, resources, and permissions. While the inheritance model isn't fully implemented and the ACL system is still a bit simplistic, it should be robust enough to for initial use.

Posted by Richard Tango-Lowy 2002-12-07