
Tree [9faccb] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 Study10_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study10_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study1_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study1_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study2_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study2_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study3_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study3_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study4_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study4_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study5_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study5_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study6_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study6_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study7_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study7_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study8_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study8_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study9_Rest 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 Study9_Stress 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit
 scripts 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [0b68c8] correct frequency parameter
 .gitignore 2014-04-11 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [3ff3f7] add files to ignore
 Datalicense.txt 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [208db1] update scripts to better names
 README 2014-11-06 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [9faccb] update README
 Scriptlicense.txt 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [208db1] update scripts to better names 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [208db1] update scripts to better names 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [208db1] update scripts to better names 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [208db1] update scripts to better names 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [208db1] update scripts to better names
 miamyosegmentset.xsd 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit 2014-09-09 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [0b68c8] correct frequency parameter 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit 2014-09-10 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [ec5046] remove the analysis scripts for the Stress/Stud... 2014-03-30 Gert Wollny Gert Wollny [aff89f] Initial commit

Read Me

This repository contains annotated myocardial perfusion data. For 
more detailed information about the data please consult

where you can also find a static snapshot of the data and scripts 
that corresponds to the tag 'review2'. 

If you use this data and the scripts for a scientific publication 
please consider citing it as 

  G. Wollny and P. Kellman, "Free breathing myocardial perfusion data 
  sets for performance analysis of motion compensation algorithms", 
  GigaScience, 2014, 3:23

If you use only the data, you may also cite it as 

    G. Wollny and P. Kellman (2014): Supporting material for: "Free 
    breathingly acquired myocardial perfusion data sets for performance 
    analysis of motion compensation algorithms", GigaScience, Database,

The scripts in this folder are used to run the motion compensation 
algorithms on the annotated myocardial perfusion data sets provided 
in the sub-folders.

For the usage and distribution terms of the data and the scripts 
see Datalicense.txt and Scriplicense.txt respectively. 

Please consult the supplementary material for additional information. 

Required software: 

* MIA >= 2.2.0

* Bash 

For statistical analysis:

  * R 
  * tcsh 
  * GNU Make 

For any questions regarding the data please post in

so that others may also be able to follow the discussion. 

File descriptions: 

       this file 
       License of the data 

       License of the script files 

       Scripts to run motion compensation methods 

       XML scheme of the segmentation set files 


    Run the experiments described in the paper (see below) 


    This is the script to run the Experiment 1 as given in the paper.


    This is the script to run the Experiment 2 as given in the paper.

    Additional experiments that are not related to the published results. 


    Helper script