
Tab-O-Tron / News: Recent posts

Version 2.0.0 Released

Tab-o-tron has been rewritten. It now has a slicker UI with a few new features, and since it has been changed to use OpenTK instead of SlimDX it does not require any extra installs (except Dot Net Framework 4.5.1 if you don't have it).

Posted by Sean VanSted 2014-09-01

Revision 33 Released

Long time no see - it has been nearly a year since a new release. This release does not add new features, but increases compatibility so that it will run on Windows 7 & 64 bit machines.

Also, for those that have downloaded the file before this release, much to my chagrin I saw that the new "quick download" button that SourceForge added was defaulting to downloading a very old revision of the app. Sorry, but you probably wound up downloading a very outdated version - please give it another shot!

Posted by Sean VanSted 2010-04-04