
TA-Lib 0.1.5 released

TA-Lib provides more than 120 common technical analysis functions for financial trading applications.

New Features

- Java port of all TA functions.

- Added technical analysis functions:
BOP : Balance of power
CMO : Chande Momentum Oscillator

- New candlestick Hikkake pattern recognition.

- .NET assembly is 'verifiable'. TA-Lib is now conform for uses in places like Microsoft SQL stored procedure.

- Code adapted for new C++/CLI syntax in Visual Studio 2005

- User can now specify a timeout on data access. See TA_HistoryAllocParam in ta_data.h

- Flexible handling of end-of-period timestamps. See TA_SOURCE_USES_END_OF_PERIOD and TA_USE_END_OF_PERIOD in ta_data.h

- Pseudo-Random (Mersenne Twister algorithm). See TA_Rand() and TA_SRand() in ta_common.h


#1117656: outNbElement incorrect for TRIX and STOCHRSI
#1117866: APO/PPO bug when slow/fast period parameter inverted.
#1199526: Out-of-bound access with CDLTRISTAR
#1200995: Memory leak in Perl wrapper
#1229243: TA_HistoryBuilder() leaks memory (on failure case).
#1238365: Candlestick errors when using TA_SetCandleSettings.
#1241498: TA_AddDataSource() done twice cause TA_HistoryAlloc() to fail.
#1293953: TA_AddTimeToTimestamp() problem when src/dst are same pointer.
#1359452: AD range not working as expected.
#1365319: BBAND/STDDEV problem with very small input variations.
#1367155: FreeBSD compile errors
#1367269: outBegIdx incorrect when startidx != 0 for some functions.

Thanks to all contributors.

See HISTORY.TXT for summary of previous versions.


Posted by Mario Fortier 2006-01-08

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