
separation of colloids

  • steve breslin

    steve breslin - 2003-08-26

    Of course separation of colloids, sedimentation or creaming or whatnot, happens gradually.

    We might prefer to have a "colloid" state and a "separated" state, two states like that just to make it simple. I suppose this could be the basis for a mechanism for partial-separated states, but that's probably going to be up to the user to implement.

    A colloid which isn't separated yet should probably behave like a mixture _a la_ comptest.t mixtures or something like this. A separated mixture should probably function as two liquid objects, one located on the surface of the other.

    • Søren Løvborg

      Søren Løvborg - 2003-08-26

      > A separated mixture should probably function as two liquid objects,
      > one located on the surface of the other.

      Yeah, that's pretty much what I had in mind. Whenever it's possible to tell parts of a liquid apart, the parts should be separate Liquid-instances.


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