
t2i / News: Recent posts


I have, after six months, come back to this project. Do not expect a release yet soon - but I'm back, and the release will appear one day.

Posted by Anonymous 2009-09-30

New t2i up on SVN

The new, third t2i is up on SVN, on the trunk directory. The second t2i has been moved to the t2i2 directory and the first (aka 0.3) to t2i1. The second t2i remains having no releases, though it never deserved one anyway, being so buggy. The third t2i should be at last usable. Release date is and remains to be WIR (When It's Ready), depends on how fast I get this ready.

Anybody who wishes to try out the new t2i must first delete/move the old t2i svn directory, if any, due to this being completely new. Wrapping instructions remain the same. Bugs/feature requests to the Tracker. Consider the third t2i to be in early development.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-12-29

What's going on?

It's been sorta quiet recently: there's one good reason for that; my computer is broken at the moment.

I am, once I get my system back stable, making a third write, using a more stable system. This is in early development (due to my system problems at the moment) and not yet in SVN. t2i is not forgotten, even though development is stalled currently.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-10-18

Planning 1.0 instead of 0.4

I recently rethought of the releasing of 0.4 over and made some changes:
- 0.4 will never be released; instead, the new final will be 1.0
- 0.9 will be a snapshot branch, and will be released as a separate package.
- 0.9 will be released as the first snapshot, and then 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 and so on.
- Finally, 1.0 will be released after EVERYTHING has been checked.

Of course the bleeding-edge code can be got from SVN but it's for development purposes only.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-07-19

SVN revamp (0.4 available)

I've been doing a revamp into the SVN repository lately, in which I have done the following:
- the old code (0.3) has been moved from /trunk to /old
- the new rewrite (0.4) is now the /trunk

To get the old 0.3 code, the SVN url is and for the new 0.4 code, the SVN url now is

A 0.4 release will be out as soon as it's ready, and I'm not sure at all when that will be. However, the thing so far looks good.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-06-09


As I'm almost unable to maintain the 0.3 t2i for the code, I'm remaking t2i. The old code was simply !@#%& but I hope that this new code would be a bit more easy to maintain.

The thing is at a question mark; if the new code works I will switch over to it, if it doesn't I'll have to stay at the old one.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-05-22

0.3 out

t2i version 0.3 is now out, a release made with tons and yet again tons of fixes and updates:
- Added SSL support
- Added query support
- Added option dialog
- Added documentation viewer (docs might be slightly slim for now)
- Added a scrollbar for nickname list
- Optimized sending code: t2i no longer sends NAMES if one joins, parts, gets kicked, etc.., instead only sends NAMES if a MODE is sent and contains one of v, h, o, a or q.
- Tonload of stability fixes.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-03-30

Instructions for wrapping up

I have made docs for wrapping or "compiling" t2i from source, located at

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-18

SVN repository up

Finally migrated, t2i now has it's Subversion repository avaivable. Please refer to for help on getting the latest code of t2i.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-05