
#390 Feature Highlite updates


Test by having all 12 stars in search page. Reduce the size of star and use 3 letter disease code for all diseases


  • Olly Burren

    Olly Burren - 2013-05-16

    Extra column required in database core:disease table call disease_code varchar(3) - to follow codes used on current front page.

  • Olly Burren

    Olly Burren - 2013-05-16
    • assigned_to: Premanand Achuthan --> Olly Burren
  • Premanand Achuthan

    • assigned_to: Olly Burren --> Premanand Achuthan
    • Priority: 9 --> 5
  • Premanand Achuthan

    OB/PA did the following updates

    1. Added a layer of filtering so that hilighting for Persistable::Locus regions w/o region_type of 'assoc' is turned off on T1DBase, currently for Immunobase there is no filtering.
    2. Added a field disease_code to the core.disease table and use this as a basis for captions on site.

    Discussed a few things and here is a brief todo list.

    1. Make sure that tests are up to date
    2. Updates to criteria to give it some attributes or making sure that it is a static module (currently it's a bit of both). Refactor to push no generic functions out to subclass/modules.
    3. Consider automation of CSS styling so that layout.css is easier to maintain perhaps by including disease colours in the database and generating styles dynamically.
    4. Automatic building of Immunobase front page rather than relying on hardcoded tt files and styles.
  • Premanand Achuthan

    Feature hilighter implementation of scoring system (OB and ES have some ideas)
    - Scoring using a number in star
    - Scoring using scaling of star size
    - Scoring using colour/intensity.
    Prototype all and combinations to see which looks best.