
Tree [c929e6] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 LICENSE 2017-03-12 Nguyễn Hoàng Dương Nguyễn Hoàng Dương [a57846] Initial commit 2017-03-12 Nguyễn Hoàng Dương Nguyễn Hoàng Dương [4c100a] Update
 T_Rd.pas 2017-03-12 Nguyễn Hoàng Dương Nguyễn Hoàng Dương [70533e] Add files via upload
 Turbo Random.exe 2017-03-12 Nguyễn Hoàng Dương Nguyễn Hoàng Dương [c286ce] Application

Read Me

Turbo Random

General information

2017 Turbo Random, © Nguyen Hoang Duong (Novak Scottia)

Computer Science Laboratory 1, Doan Thi Diem primary school, Hanoi, Vietnam

Language: PASCAL

Editor: Visual Studio Code, Notepad++

The version of the program goes with this README is 1.0.0 (First Official Release)

Compatible with Windows x32 bit and x64 bit OS

About the program

This program (or maybe a bot, whatever) is a "fallback" for boardgame tools.

With this program, you can roll dice, flip a coin, spin a game spinner, pick a multiple choice answer, countdown, stop time, or even spam file.

This program can also be a chess match counter (count the number of move of each opponent, white and black). It can also track who is currently singing and who is up next in a karaoke party.

The bot

  • The bot name: "Turbo Random bot", "Bot" (Nguyen Hoang Duong/Novak Scottia will provide a name for the bot)
  • Gender: Female (As of its funtions, user friendliness and Novak's makeup)
  • Just a bot, cannot learn right now
  • Currently, it can only understand you if you make correct input as shown in Help, but it is going to be smarter and be able to answer more

You, the user

You can use this program

You can share or introduce this program to other people

You can make copies as you wish, but the copies must be exactly the same as the origial

DO NOT make illegal copies or steal this program and say that you made it (not talking to the good programmers)

DO NOT de-compile or de-assemble the program

DO NOT use this program for any illegal purpose

Update Patch

I. Current version: 1.0.0

  • Can perform: As shown above in the About the program section

  • Can only understand given command in the Help section at first

  • "User Preferences" (or "Option") isn't available

  • UI: 2/10

II. Next update: 1.1.0

  • Add function: Generate number from 1 to a given number by the user

  • Change in UI

  • More functions & extra, unnecessary stuffs

  • You will be able to have a basic conversation with the bot

  • Expected Release: Summer 2017 (as the programmer is too busy learning new stuffs)

External resources

Contact the programmer

Contact the programmer to send feedback or inform big report(s). You can also ask for the source code.

Project website


MIT License