
T-DOSE:Technical Dutch Open Source Event / News: Recent posts

2013: Call for Papers and Projects

Call for Papers and Projects

T­-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Open Source Software. During this event Open Source projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge. It is held at the Fontys University of Applied Science on 26 and 27 October 2013.

Speakers can send ideas and abstracts to the organisation (see attached PDF for the e-mail address). The e­mail should contain a short biography of the speaker and description of the talk. All talks will be held in English and last about ~50 minutes (with 5-10 minutes left to change tracks).... read more

Posted by Jean-Paul Saman 2013-04-16

T-DOSE in het nieuws (Interview met Jeroen Baten)

Mede organisator van T-DOSE, Jeroen Baten heeft recent een interview gegeven aan Be Linked. Hierin verteld hij over de achtergrond van Open Source en de reden voor T-DOSE.

Het volledige interview is te lezen op:

Help met het promoten van T-DOSE.

Ken je meer wesites die een link naar T-DOSE hebben staan. Of kun je mee helpen met promotie? Dat kan.... read more

Posted by Jean-Paul Saman 2006-10-31

T-DOSE schedule in PDF

The T-DOSE schedule is online at and digital version is available through SourceForge download: A dutch and english flyers is available.

See you on 2 and 3 december 2006.

Posted by Jean-Paul Saman 2006-10-24

Speakers schedule online

The first T-DOSE (Technical Dutch Open Source Event) attracted an
interesting list of speakers. Speakers originate from Germany,
Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and Ukraine. Organizing an event for the
first time is always exciting and full of uncertainties. On 2 and 3
december there will be 2 tracks containing talks about educational,
embedded, desktop, business, research & development usages of Linux and
Open Source Software. The T-DOSE team find the abstracts of high
quality. Are you curious already? then visit the talks page.... read more

Posted by Jean-Paul Saman 2006-10-13

T-DOSE flyer and call for papers online.

T-DOSE made the flyer and call for papers available online on for everyone to download and distribute. Goto and select download for the documentation.

Posted by Jean-Paul Saman 2006-08-04