
SystemC-WMS / News: Recent posts

SystemC-WMS 0.8 released

This new release performs an important improvement by adding support for wavechannels with arbitrary connection topologies. Anisotropic topologies are handled by means of a new "named binding" concept that allows a particular "slot" of a channel to be specified at port binding time.
Arbitrary wavechannel can now be easily created, so that the need of using modules modelled as 2-ports for binding purposes only, i.e. to comply with the parallel/series wavechannel requirements, is strongly reduced.
It also adds support for the specification of a direct/reversed connection polarity, while binding ports to channel "slots," by means of the unary operators "+" and "-" that can be applied to channels at port binding time.

Posted by Simone Orcioni 2007-01-22