

  • Marco Schwarz

    Marco Schwarz - 2002-02-08

    I use this function to extract the SQL Statement. So I can cancel the "attr.Name = 'Comment". My problem: the function cancel ',',';','(',')'.

    select tabid, /* test */ tabname from systables;
      => select tabid tabname from systables

    Can anyone say me where I can find the character?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2002-02-08

      Ehm.. are you sure you're on the right forum here? I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong, but I thought this was a discussion on the Delphi component SynEdit..

      Anyway, if you can clearify your question, I might be able to help you, even though this is completly off topic. Well, who cares about topics anyway? (-8

      Berge Schwebs Bjrlo

      • Marco Schwarz

        Marco Schwarz - 2002-02-08

        Hi, sorry, I don't no if this is the right forum, but I use the component SynEdit. I wont extract the words and look what is the highlighterAttribut but the function return not the correcty word.
        Can you help me?

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2002-02-10

          What is the name of function you are refering to? Are you trying to extract words from the text in the SynEdit-control, or are you trying to do colour-coding?

          I may be picky right now, but it would be appriciated if you could clarify your question even more.

          Berge Schwebs Bjrlo


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