
First Post for 2003 - Inquiry Regarding C++ P

  • Private Name

    Private Name - 2003-01-09

    Well Happy New Years to everybody and also I am wondering about something. I heard that there was a C++ port for this version and yet after downloading the latest version (i somehow got 1.04 and then when i came back i got 1.03) i see that it is all Pascal.

    Anyways I was just wondering if there had been one started or if i was all alone on my own with my C++ Port

    • Private Name

      Private Name - 2003-01-09

      Answered my own Question - The Only Directory I had not looked at :) the Packages :P
      Will be looking at them right now to see what they do :S though it seems a bit weanie with a whopping 15 kb of files? \

    • Private Name

      Private Name - 2003-01-09

      Ermm Never Mind - Those are Just Project Libraries - :P Continuing with Port to C++


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