
New release?

  • Carsten Schmitz

    Carsten Schmitz - 2003-06-07


    I jsut wanted to know if and when a new release is scheduled?

    I think it would be nice (with all that new and changed stuff) to have a clean break and release for other developers.

    The current release version is very outdated and doesn't really support Kylix.

    Can any of the release developers give a comment about it?

    Thank you!


    • Flávio Etrusco

      Flávio Etrusco - 2003-06-19

      There is no official date, but there should be a new release very soon.
      BTW, Kylix support is much better in lastest version in CVS, although there's still a major issue with dead chars handling...
      (Oh my! I guess this is the first time a enter these forums! I didn't even know/remember they exist...)


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