Well, it makes no sense keeping the news here when we already have them elsewere and duplicated.
So from now on we wont keep posting news here, if you want to keep up-to-date with the project you can subscribe to the mailinglist and/or visit the development weblog at http://lab.nunonunes.org/syndigator/.
- Work online/offline is now available on "Actions" menu.
- A message is displayed on status bar while offline.
- Multiple item actions available on message list.
- Fixed bug 767234 and 767866
- RFE 767233
Major changes on this release:
- Online/Offline feature
- OPML Importer added (AmphetaDesk, Straw, etc ...).
- Category view added.
- Run options (--offline).
- "Keep for x days" feature added.
ahh.. and icons everywhere :)
By the way next releases will focus on subscriptions wizzards (for those that do not have already a feed collection) and remote storage/sync methods (the long awaited improvement).