
SyncBot / News: Recent posts

SyncBot 3.2

Due to the unreliability of the FTP plugin for NSIS, I've decided to release a new build of SyncBot. Like the 2.x series, SyncBot now uses cURL for FTP transfers. No other features were added, just a couple of bugs fixed. I'm even thinking of SyncBot 4 with many new features.

Posted by idleberg 2006-04-11

SyncBot discontinued?

The latest version of SyncBot is the final released, the project is discontinued. Being developed for personal needs, I don't have use for any new features and no interest/time to improve SyncBot.

SyncBot remains beta, as the FTP plugin used occasionally crashes the software. However, this only happens *after* a backup has been performed. This might become an issue using SyncBot for online-backups and in intervals.

Posted by idleberg 2005-07-06