
Synarcher / News: Recent posts

The synarcher is dead. Long live the wikokit!

The continuation of this project is "wikokit" at

See you there!

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2009-08-02

Synarcher version 0.12.5 released

Synarcher version 0.12.5 was released on 6 April 2008.

This version is devoted to Index Wiki Database (WikIDF) creation.

WikIDF is a console application (part of Synarcher program), which
depends on the RuPOSTagger program, see

Major features include:

* converts wiki-texts to texts in natural language.

* with list of all Wikipedia languages.... read more

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2008-04-06

Synarcher version 0.12.4 released

Synarcher version 0.12.4 was released on 22 September 2007. Major features include:

* New Category tab was added to search panel. Category tab
contains list of categories sorted by number of articles
which belongs to it.

* "The WordSimilarity-353 Test Collection" was taken (thanks
to Evgeniy Gabrilovich) from
in order to compare search related terms by Synarcher with human evaluation.... read more

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2007-09-22

Synarcher version 0.12.3 released

Synarcher version 0.12.3 was released on 26th June 2007. Major features include:

* Redirects are taken into account now. They are presented as green nodes. They are connected by green arcs to the redirect article (see screenshots).
* Categories of redirect pages are taken into account, i.e. redirect pages are now filtered by black list of categories.
* Preprocessing of search word: trim spaces, upper-case first letter.
* Tab 'Result' is colored in case of 'No synonyms were found'
* Added option: skip titles with columns, e.g. Portal:Literature

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2007-06-26

Synarcher version 0.12.2 released

Synarcher version 0.12.2 was released on 5th January 2007. Major features include:

* Wikipedia Categories are visible now as nodes of blue color with prefix "C:". They are available through right click on the node and selection of the item "Expand Categories" in the context menu.

* Interwiki title can be added to the nodes. Select checkbox Synonyms->Parameters->Iwiki, assign to 'Iwiki' text field two letters language identifier. E.g. if the synonym search is applied in English Wikipedia, then Iwiki could be "Ru" for Russian iwiki, or "Eo" for Esperanto.

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2007-01-05

Synarcher version 0.12.1 released

Synarcher version 0.12.1 was released on 8th June 2006. Major features include:

* Coloring of nodes, meanings of colors were described in docs/quick_instructions.html

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2006-06-08

Synarcher version 0.12.0 released

Synarcher version 0.12.0 was released on 20th May 2006. Major features include:

* Visual browse of articles in English, Russian, and other Wikipedias
* Search of synonyms and related terms in Wikipedia

Local installation of Wikipedia is required. Instructions and links how to
install Wikipedia and Synarcher are provided, see 'Home Page'.

Posted by Andrew Krizhanovsky 2006-05-23