
Help - Locating the FAQ & generating a DvID.DAT file

  • Wyliewbl

    Wyliewbl - 2015-12-04

    Hello Skiron,
    Hoping you have time and can point me in the right direction. I have tried opening the FAQ for JSymphonic (which does not open) to get at the information mentioned in the other posts of how to generate a new DvID.DAT file. I have a generation 3 player I have NW-E505
    Would it be possible to email a copy of the FAQ you wrote or the portion of how to generate a DvID.DAT file?
    Thank you in advance

    • Omar Chaudhry

      Omar Chaudhry - 2017-11-15

      I also have the same request - does anyone happen to know where we can find a FAQ or generate the DviD file? :)


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