
SymmetricDS Wont Run In Tomcat

  • Roger

    Roger - 2018-06-11

    I am trying to setup Symmetric 3.9.7 on a tomcat 9.
    I have correctly setup tomcat and the war was deployed successfully.
    I have managed to correct all other faults but this one by keeping an eye on catalina.out.
    It connects to the database and creates the required sym tables.
    The issue i am having is as follows;
    org.jumpmind.symmetric.SymmetricException: Failed to save file '/./conf/instance.uuid' Please correct and restart this node.
    Once this error comes up symmteric stops and nothing else happens.
    Your help will be greatly appreciated.


    Last edit: Roger 2018-06-11
  • Mark Michalek

    Mark Michalek - 2018-06-13

    Roger, you can set an environment variable called SYM_HOME to specify the location where SymmetricDS can write the instance.uuid file.

  • Roger

    Roger - 2018-06-15

    Set SYM_HOME=/usr/libexec/tomcat9/webapps/symmetric-ds
    Restarted server and tomcat.
    Still returning;
    org.jumpmind.symmetric.SymmetricException: Failed to save file '/./conf/instance.uuid' Please correct and restart this node.
    Also i noticed 3.9.8 is available tried using this ver and came up wit some sort of commons.lang
    errors which i didnt really take note of.
    Any other suggestions?

  • Roger

    Roger - 2018-06-15

    I also have the following error, have changed group permissions and owner permissions...
    log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed. /logs/symmetric.log (Permission denied)

  • Roger

    Roger - 2018-06-17

    Thank you very much for your response.
    I have managed to correct the above issue by setting, setting the SYM_HOME variable did not seem to help me.
    The next issue i am having is the message below...
    [corp-000] - RegistrationService - Cannot register a client node unless a node group link exists so the registering node can receive configuration updates. Please add a group link where the source group id is corp and the target group id is store
    [corp-000] - RegistrationUriHandler - store:001:? was not allowed to register.
    I have tried to insert a record in the table manually but that results in foreign key constraint errors.
    My setup includes an instance running on a VPS server with tomcat and a local node running symmetric.
    I would really appreciate some help on the above error...


    Last edit: Roger 2018-06-17

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