Activity for Symbolicate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [5c0dbc] on Code

    Add support for more fields like Exception Codes, Terminating Process, and VM Region Info in Crash and JSON

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a0d121] on Code

    Allow resizing and expansion tooltips in process log

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [318a09] on Code

    Handle cases where prefix is identical to base path, and alert user when merge fails while transforming URLs in AppDelegate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [6cc744] on Code

    Add secure coding support for restoration in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [73c915] on Code

    Add dictionary-baesd initiatization and derivation methods to ProductQuery in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [b94ec1] on Code

    Implement -arch for remaining classes in Spin

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [e7c3e9] on Code

    Migrate relevant classes from informal protocol to NSFontChanging

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [3c02a7] on Code

    Fixes for Console history behavior in AppDelegate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [ead606] on Code

    Ensure properties returned are always for the correct slice in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [ef7ad7] on Code

    Fix for cases where restored window's URL doesn't exist in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [2c5578] on Code

    Expose the architecture of individual slices in Mach and implement throughout

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [30dcdd] on Code

    When SCMBlueprint isn't available, prompt user to locate project or workspace once when handling links in AppDelegate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [721256] on Code

    Enable dead code stripping

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [26fdd6] on Code

    Guard against missing binary image entries in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [b21462] on Code

    Fix for nested registers (e.g. %xN on ARM) in JSON

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [41a2a8] on Code

    Fix for appended System Profile plaintext trailer in JSON

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [54d1a7] on Code

    Rename IPS UTI constant based on feedback from Apple

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [67bf7f] on Code

    Add support for Application Specific Signatures, workaround for suppressed Application Specific Information in Crash and JSON

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [5ed0cf]

    Refactor variable and register query into a new result method and handle newer format in Task

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [10ca55]

    Add IPS support for termination metadata in JSON

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [836abd]

    Better support for degraded crash reports missing version and full identifier information in ArchiveManager and Crash

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [3a857c]

    Reformat JSON field map for future insertion

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [ba99a7]

    Increment for build

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [329b5d]

    More fixes for IPS format

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [8f54a2]

    Only include the first image if not an IPS file in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [2b880b]

    Refactor text parsing using Skeleton modeled on CrashFile structure in Crash, Hang, and Spin

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [fad7dc]

    Preliminary IPS file support using new JSON class and dictionary-based initialization

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [8a0ea8]

    Check for fat architecture before parsing number of architectures in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [ce3847]

    Fetch all directory results before enumerating to prevent file descriptor exhaustion in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [58d4de]

    Fix for products array formatting in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [9287a1]

    Add command enumeration for arbitrary headers in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [184b59]

    Better handling of dark mode with adaptive color mapping in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [456fec]

    Store the number of architectures for later slice support in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [746733]

    Migrate per-architecture properties to slices in Mach, and use a prototype to handle multiarchitecture binary Product instantiation in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [ac3338]

    Fix for thread sanitizer warning handling incremental matches in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [7d33b6]

    Better fix for fast enumeration mutation exception in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [6e8179]

    Refactor partial results fetch and handle identifier suffixes better while searching in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [3978c6]

    Fix for duplicate product addition before symbolication in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [518003]

    Fix for potential deadlock caused by thread explosion in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [6e26d8]

    Fix for unusual fast enumeration mutation exception in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [070875]

    Expose architecture or code type from all filetypes, and pass to Task for universal binaries in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [e8fb76]

    Migrate codesigning settings to project level

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [3e978a]

    Rewrite product location around potentially long-lived queries, reverse enumeration, early cancellation, and better refactoring of matching logic in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [330b5e]

    Use an extra argument by reference instead of ObjC exceptions for control-flow with subclasses in Crash

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [7c0792]

    Use index set more widely when locating images and products for symbolication in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a7733a]

    Fix for register and frame handling with newer versions of LLVM when symbolicating in Crash

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [8c06cc]

    Update for 10.14 deployment target

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [2564f5]

    Start parsing header for individual properties in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [125f00]

    Use parsed header properties in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [e58e24]

    Read first xcscmblueprint instead of assuming scheme name in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [44dc76]

    Start swapping integers as necessary in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [d9ae75]

    Fallthrough to embedded property list or codesigning version information when handling executable files when iniitalizing Products

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [83898e]

    Pass architecture-specific header as necessary to calculate offsets in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [c8eb4d]

    Set application category

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [3eeddc]

    Increment for build

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [4c827f]

    Add basic fat file support by enumerating headers in Mach

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [e3fb55]

    Add ~/Documents privacy check for Catalina in AppDelegate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [bc9f46]

    Refactor Xcode ScriptingBridge privacy checks in AppDelegate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [0b2272]

    Enable hardened runtime

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [b4e5b4]

    Minor updates for 10.12 deployment target

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [0b6f5d]

    Minor fixes for dark mode in MainMenu

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [d6134f]

    Strip empty and "Apple Swift" lines from output in Task

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [fe8319]

    Handle cases where Archives are named by scheme, not primary product

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [545fe5]

    Fail silently when SCMBlueprint is missing in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [bce1d9]

    Attempt to extract more information from embedded __info_plist and equivalent sources when initializing Products

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [48d2cf]

    Use PRODUCT_NAME in usage description

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [768b31]

    Refactor Mach-O methods into a new class

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [0ec1c5]

    Update project

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [780e26]

    Add ScriptingBridge preflighting and usage description for Mojave

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [103956]

    Switch to parenthetical symbolication style

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [04e9d7]

    Resymbolicate all files to generate hyperlinks when possible

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [1cc012]

    Better version checking when loading files in Xcode via ScriptingBridge

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a38e5e]

    Fixes for Appearance-based coloring in Document

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [ebc192]

    Add support for more fields in Crash

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a4f2c6]

    Ignore hyperlinks when no products are available in SymbolicatableFiles

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [261843]

    Better typing of Symbolication protocols and implement in file types

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [35b8c6]

    Try to locate embedded products by image path suffix first and fallback to previous search in ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [5c9094]

    Publish first product in Task, and hyperlink products in SymbolicatableFiles to the archive used

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [b221e6]

    Fix for misaligned access warning in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [e6ef8e]

    Filter SymbolicatableFile images to user-provided ones first, then add products serially

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [92ed13]

    Use a protocol for TaskLookupResults

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [48e092]

    Add other products from the same archive first, and check if images are already loaded

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [b221e6]

    Fix for misaligned access warning in Archive

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [efb3e6]

    Publish if any SymbolicationImage is user-provided, and add shim for other file types

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [d29ddb]

    Exclude computed variable locations from symbolicated register output in Crash

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a7644d]

    Upgrade project for Xcode 9

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a4066b]

    Minor fixes in Archive and AppDelegate

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [b71211]

    Add support for truncated backtraces in Hang

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [34067f]

    Fix for "<multiple>" thread entries in Hang files

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [1c3cde]

    Expand source linking to Spin and Hang files

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [a5cc77]

    Backport Xcode scripting support for versions less than 8.0

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [650a18]

    Exclude old archives from ArchiveManager

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [6f61d5]

    Cache LookupResults, particularly for stack ove...

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [e00d90]

    Symbolication/lookup fix for Xcode 8.3/Swift3.1...

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [4f9680]

    Increment for build

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [c92b13]

    Add optional verbose output for TaskLookups

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [0e07e9]

    Coalesce TaskLog notifications with greater eff...

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [9fa762]

    Add basic history control to Console

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [5280ad]

    Upgrade Document with linkable views

  • PHPdev32 PHPdev32 committed [27ba16]

    Load Archives concurrently in ArchiveManager

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