
I'm having a few small problems designing a skin for Oggplay. I've been testing the skin with Oggplay-1.093 on an N-Gage QD.

- Slider Styles 1 and 3 don't work as they should. Style 1 moves the slider bitmap from bottom to top (instead of drawing the bitmap in parts from bottom to top) and Style 3 does the same, but from top to bottom.

- Bitmaps 34 and 35 in the mbm file are actually used to represent the state "playing" (instead of bitmaps 14 and 15 as documented in the skin design guide). Also, if these bitmaps are missing from the mbm file, loading the skin will fail. (I struggled quite a while with this so a bugfix or updated documentation might be nice for other skin designers)

- For some reason the logo bitmap defined in the skin file doesn't get drawn at all. This could be a user error, but I just can't make it work. I've attached the .skn to the end of this post.

- Documentation for the "hidden" options such as text field Style, ScrollStep and ScrollDelay would be nice.

OggPlay 1 {
  FlipOpen {
    Volume {
      Position 1 0 10 29
      Style 3
      KnobIcon 20 21
    Logo {
      Position 19 3 148 41
      FirstBitmap 22
      NumBitmaps 3
      Frequency 2
      Pause 2
      Style 0
    Title {
      Position 50 8 125 19
      Font LatinBold19 380 0
      FontColor 0 0 0
      Style 3
      ScrollDelay 10
      ScrollStep 4
    Played {
      Position 20 31 65 13
      Font LatinPlain12 240 0
      FontColor 255 255 255
    Artist {
      Position 87 31 87 13
      Font LatinBold12 240 0
      FontColor 255 255 255
      Style 3
      ScrollDelay 10
      ScrollStep 4
    ListBox {
      Position 2 45 172 142
      Font LatinBold12 240 0
      FontColor 0 0 0
      FontColorSelected 0 0 0
      BarColorSelected 204 204 204