
N80 and oggplay

  • Steven Carta

    Steven Carta - 2006-06-15

    'ello. i've got an N80 and i wouldnt mind beta testing oggplay it. I also have some symbian programming experience, so i may be able to lend a hand :)

    my email address is daalmightykebabAThotmailDOTcom

    • Mike Bursell

      Mike Bursell - 2006-06-20

      you're not alone.  although there was some discussion of this, it's gone very, very quiet.

      I'd love to beta test this.

    • Roel Meeuws

      Roel Meeuws - 2006-06-29

      I've got a n80 too. And I must say the music player that comes with it is only sufficient.... but I want something that rocks, not that is merely sufficient... so I would like to beta test this thing too. Please!!!


      Roel Meeuws

    • Szymon Kosecki

      Szymon Kosecki - 2006-07-01

      I would also love Oggplay on series v3. The only reason I still carry my 6680 around these days is the Oggplay.


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