
Oggplay (MMF) and TomTom Mobile

  • Stefano Marinelli

    Hello everybody. I have a problem: I like to play music on my  Nokia 6630 connected to the car radio. But when I'm using TomTom mobile, each time the tomtom speaks the song that Oggplay was playing restarts. Is there any way to solve?
    Thank you!

    • Erick Audet

      Erick Audet - 2006-12-08

      Hi, I have the same kind of problem with an other application. Di you find any help on this?

    • emisca

      emisca - 2007-09-16

      The problem is that the symbian os (S60v2, I don't know if also S60v3) can handle only one audio stream at a time.

      On my N70, the songs restarts some seconds before the song stopped. This behaviour has improved when I updated the firmware to the 5.0638 version.
      With older versions of the firmware oggplay crashed when an other app tried to emit sound...


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