
mp3 ordering

  • kardax

    kardax - 2005-06-14


    Good work!

    I tried playing mp3 files with version 1.65 on my 9500 and it seems to work.

    Although I would make couple of suggestions for better usability:

    - User should be able to choose will the player order the songs by to filename (usually the case) or by the mp3-id.
    I think probably no-one listens the songs in the alphabetical order by the songname anyway, but the filenames usually have the (order) number in the beginning of their names, so they could be listened in the order they are on the album.

    - The player should _not_ expect the mp3 files to have id-tags. Player now places all the files not having these id's in one folder named "unassigned". This is _highly_ impractical. The better solution would be just to have folder name as the album name and the songnames according to the filenames for these files.

    Ofcourse I have hundreds of ideas more, but these two are really the showstoppers for me for not to use this software, either though I would like to.

    Anyway this is a very good start, keep on ! :-)


    • Berthier Lemieux

      If you don't have tags, use the 'file' folder from the top level selection. This should behave pretty close to what you are looking for.

    • emisca

      emisca - 2007-09-16

      Folder view doesn't help.. because songs are sorted by filename, and not filename and directory path.
      Select the song ordering of the songs, would be a nice feature..


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