
OggPlay 1.71 and OggPlay skins

  • Stuart Fisher

    Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-13

    OggPlay 1.71 has now been released for S60 and S60V3. S80 and S90 versions are coming soon, with the UIQ2 version to follow a bit later. The MMF version is for users who want to use OggPlay to play mp3s, aacs and wma (if the phone supports it) in additon to oggs and flacs. If you only want to play ogg or flac files the non-MMF version is the one to go for. Also don't forget to check the release notes for information about the changes. The S60V3 version in particular is much better now!

    Unfortunately none of the old skins are compatible with the S60V3 versions and there doesn't seem to be many people around doing skins anymore. has a few new ones but I don't think there are many other people working on skins for OggPlay. MemphisX hasn't got around to updating any of his either (see\).

    Consequently it looks like it's down to me to do something about it. I'm no artist but I do know what to do to get the old skins converted to work on the new (higher resolution) phones. I've just converted a couple of skins (Alientech and the Winamp modern skin from the MemphisX site) and they look fabulous in double resolution on my E60!

    So the point is if you have any skins that you want converting let me know which ones they are and which phone / screen resolution you want them converting to and I'll get on it and put the results up on the web page when I get the time.

    • misjah

      misjah - 2008-01-14

      Yes, finally someone who can help with skins! I`we been trying to convert some old skins but no luck.... I`we been using winamp classic (starfox) skin since nokia 3650.... so it would be great if you convert it(or even tell me how to do this) for nokia n73/240*320....

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-15

      You had to pick a skin as complicated as that one. I've now done it but it was fiddly.

      On the positive side, as a result of doing the conversion I found two minor bugs in the skin drawing code (which I've now fixed). The winamp skin also does something that isn't officially supported: it attempts to overlay some controls on top of others. It just about gets away with it but you'll notice that when you press pause the position bar and the track min:sec display disappear.

      The converted skin is here:

      It looks great on my E60, even though it is the wrong size! I'll do the 352x416 version tomorrow...

    • misjah

      misjah - 2008-01-15

      Wow, awesome,great job. I don`t mind this bug, the skin looks great!! Thanx allot man!

      P.S. Is it Ok if I post it in some symbian forums, with your nick of course?

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-16

      By all means go and ahead and post. You might want to mention the 352x416 version here:

      I've also modified the skin with a fix for the bug. However, you'll also need an updated version of OggPlay for the fix to actually work, so if you do download it again and re-install it you won't actually see anything fixed unfortunately.

      P.S. I did try the link from Starfox but it was all in Chinese...

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-16

      Hi Stuart,

      This time for skins. I request for skins for my nokia 5700/240*320. I am playing version 1.71 extpatch2 mmf version. I am attaching the links of the skins from Memphisx. Will you please covert them for me ?

    • Troy Volin

      Troy Volin - 2008-01-24

      I've got an E62, so I really need a 320x240.
      Since I usually just pick a playlist, lock the keypad, and holster the phone, I haven't really gone skin shopping.  I've just been using mcNuOggPlayQVLS, since that's what I needed to download to get 1.70 to work.
      So can you please convert mcNuOggPlayQVLS, or any other QVGA Landscape skin that you think is "cool" ?


    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-24

      You've been reading my mind, that's exactly what I'm doing this minute. You're going to need an updated version of OggPlay too - I'm working on 1.71b, specifically to do an E61 fix - because my previous attempts to make some changes for E61, E61i and E62 didn't work properly.

      "any other QVGA Landscape skin "

      Symbian-skin has quite a few, but they all could do with updating. I also googled and found that somebody has done a Winamp WMP11 landscape skin but whoever did it put it in a package with the old version of OggPlay which wasn't too clever. It needs to be put in a seperate package and also updated to use the right fonts.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-25


      SimplicityQVGA is now uploaded. Definitely one of the better skins IMO, I'm using the DR version myself :-)
      I'll take a look at the ipod one tomorrow...

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-27

      Thanks stuart for the skin. By the way I have not installed the 1.71a version as my 1.71 extpatch2 mmf verion is working well. Is there some major upgrades in the 1.71a version?

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-01-27

      Personally I'd upgrade to 1.71b. There are a few minor fixes, nothing major but good to have anyway, but most significantly the uninstall issues have been sorted out. Once you've got rid of 1.71 the trick is to install the new font package and then just forget you ever installed it (in other words, once you've installed it leave it alone!).

      I've now also uploaded the iPogg2 skin (for QVGA and DR) and the AmpMod skin (for QVGA, the DR one has been up for some time). There's also a couple of new skins for the E61 guys.

      I'm also going to convert the WinAmp11 skin that you can find if you go googling for skins. It's a nice skin but for some reason the author decided to put it in a package with OggPlay 1.70, which is no use to us!

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-01-31

      I found that MCnuoggplay skin is the best. Only deficiency is a spectrum analyser. I would like to suggest the following changes. Then it is upto you to make it possible.

      1) Incorporate spectrum analyser ( not very narrow in fact similar to the modern winamp skin which you have uploaded). To make the space, out of eight lines of song displayed, one line can be reserved for current playing track and the lower part of the skin the total width can be utilised for the analyser.
      2) Remaining time / playback time may be displayed together ( not very essential though)
      3) Remove permanent dispaly of alarm time. Should appear only when alarm is set.


    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-02-02

      I agree that the MCNuOggPlay skin has some advantages over the other skins. Most of them have something missing or not quite right, or the track scroller is too small, or there's no clock, etc. etc. So yes, I can see why most people would probably stick with the default skin. I don't know who made it (probably Bert or Claus) but they did a fantastic job. Nevertheless I really do feel the lack of decent skins is a big issue for OggPlay.

      "Then it is upto you to make it possible"

      No it isn't. I'm the developer on this project, not the artist or skin designer. It's up to the community to make this happen. Now I know that making skins for OggPlay is not an easy task, which is why I agreed to convert some of the skins in the first place. And yes I know we could really do with a skin editor application that can be used for this purpose, but do you have any idea how many "man hours" it would take to write a skin editor? There are far more important development tasks that need doing on the project: "skin editor" is nowhere near the top of the list.

      "3) Remove permanent dispaly of alarm time. Should appear only when alarm is set."

      The only other person who has touched the OggPlay code in years (Tom) made this change and I reverted it. Personally I prefer to see the alarm time always displayed. The alarm icon is shown if the alarm is on, so it's obvious whether the alarm is on or not. If you don't want to see the alarm time you need to download a Symbian SDK, download the OggPlay source code, make the change to hide the alarm time, rebuild the code, rebuild the sis, update your phone with the new version...

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-02-02

      My God!
      I didn't had the idea that it is such a complex process and to hide the alrm time one has to change the oggplay source code (instead of the skin). Anyway, thanks for your clarification.

    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2008-02-02

      It just depends how much functionality there is within the skin file format itself. Hiding the alarm time isn't one of the options, so you'd need a code change.

      One of the things that made this whole exercise worthwhile was discovering that some of the Winamp skins were trying to do things that weren't supported. I've now made two changes to the skin format that people can make use of:

      The play and pause controls are a single bitmap(or Icon), but the original winamp skin wants to update two areas of the screen when play (or pause) is pressed. Starfox did this by using one large bitmap that covers both areas. Unfortunately the large bitmap also overlaps with other controls and they were disappearing as a result. 1.71a solves this problem by allowing controls to specify an optional "overlay mask":

      Old skin:
      PlayingIcon {
      Position a b c d
      Icon e f

      Fixed skin:
      PlayingIcon {
      Position a b c d
      OverlayMask f
      Icon e f

      From what I can tell the Winamp WMP11 skin was meant to have a 3 state play / paused / stopped icon, but that wasn't possible so it ended up being a two state icon (play / paused). In order to fix this the PausedIcon can now specify an option blink icon:

      Old skin (Pause icon blinks "on" and "off"):
      PausedIcon {
      Position a b c d
      Icon e f

      New skin (Pause icon blinks showing icon and blink icon, i.e. when a track is paused it's never "off"):
      PausedIcon {
      Position a b c d
      Icon e f
      BlinkIcon g h

      At some point I'll get around to updating the skin design page with all these changes, but I'm just too busy with the code at the moment.

    • parthabhatta

      parthabhatta - 2008-02-05

      By the way in WMP 11 skin there appears to be a spectrum analyser but it is not working.o


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