
Version 1.093 minor bug

  • papajohn

    papajohn - 2006-09-24

    Hello Stuart!

    First of all I'd like to thank you again for still updating the OS6 version of Oggplay! Long live SX1s! :)

    I've found though a minor bug in the latest version.  I assign to the right softkey the function "exit" in stop mode and the function "back" in play mode. When i load Oggplay, the right softkey has the normal exit function. Then I start playing a song and unfortunatelly the key stays in exit mode and doesn't change for "back". The only way to do so is to minimize/maximize the app using the NO button. Then everything is fixed.

    This problem was never there in all previous versions that supported the change in a softkey's behaviour!

    Keep up the good work and thank you for still supporting this great app!


    • Stuart Fisher

      Stuart Fisher - 2006-09-27

      Weird bug. It doesn't happen on my E60 (currently running the MMF version) so maybe I've just broken it in the non-MMF version. I'll take a look before releasing 1.094 / 1.71



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