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Adam Azarchs
  • Damage
    The expected value for damage from a damaging attack is A * (1 + B * C) * D, where A is the [Accuracy] (chance to hit), B is the [Critical Bonus] (extra damage done on critical hit), C is the [Critical Chance], and D is the damage for the attack in question, which includes the base damage of the attack, character bonuses, and [Damage Bonuses] from stats.
  • Healing
    Much like damage, except accuracy doesn't factor in, and instead of damage bonuses there are [Healing Bonuses].
  • Damage reduction
    For an incoming attack, there is a chance that the attack will be dodged. If it is not dodged, there is a chance it will be shielded. Whether or not it is shielded, it will be reduced by armor (or other damage reduction abilities). The overall damage mitigation is thus
    D + (1-D)(1+AS)R
    where D is the [Defense chance], A is the [Shield absorption], S is the [Shield chance], and R is the total damage reduction including [Armor damage reduction] and any character skills.


Wiki: Math
Wiki: Stats data