
Damage Bonuses Log in to Edit

Adam Azarchs

Base damage is based on many things, including which ability is being used, the quality of the main-hand and off-hand weapons in use, character skills, legacy perks, and so on. Additionally, there are bonuses from power, and from stats.

  • For force users (knight/warrior, or consular/inquisitor)

    • Melee damage is affected by strength regardless of which class.
    • Willpower will affect melee damage for consular and inquisitors only, but force power damage for both.
    • Strength will only affect force power damage for knights/warriors.
  • For tech users (smuggler/agent, or trooper/bounty hunter)

    • Ranged damage is affected by aim for all classes.
    • Cunning will affect ranged damage chance for smuggler/agent only, but tech damage for both.
    • Aim will only affect tech damage for trooper/bounty hunter.

The bonus damage from each applicable stat is (to the best of our available [Stats data]) simply 0.2 times the stat.

The bonus damage from Power is 0.23 times the power.


Wiki: Stats data